On Being Alone

Blue bird shirt

Blue bird shirt

Blue bird shirt

Blue bird shirt

Blue bird shirt

Blue bird shirt

Blue bird shirt

My Outfit Details:
Shirt: Francesca’s
Jeans: JC Penney
Bracelets & Watch & Earrings: Charming Charlie
Bubble Necklace: Charming Charlie
Clutch: Charming Charlie
Flats: Payless
Camera ring: Kohls

Hi Lovelies!

I am the type of person who doesn’t like to be myself. Even if Wes is in the other room working on something and I am watching TV, it’s just nice to have someone there, it feels less lonely. So, when he bought a plane ticket to Michigan to see his friends for 5 days, I was less than excited to spend those 5 days at home, alone.

Luckily for me my parents decided that they needed to see my uncle’s new farm that same weekend! They came down late Friday night and stayed Saturday night after our adventure to the farm and left very early Sunday morning. This left me with Thursday night, most of Friday night, Sunday, and Monday all to myself. The first night, I will admit, I was lonely. Sophie and I cuddled up and watched Harry Potter in bed. Every creaky noise I heard freaked me out and I slept with the TV on all night. I did not like it. Friday and Saturday night my parents were here with me so I didn’t feel so alone. But, by late Sunday night I had kind of settled in to the quiet. I may have even learned a little bit about myself…maybe being alone wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am SO glad I have a husband. It’s nice to have someone to come home to after a hard days work and to have someone to cuddle up with to watch a movie. It’s nice to fall asleep beside the one you love…but I did enjoy a little alone time. As much as I thought I hated it, it can actually be a little bit nice. I read, I watched what I wanted to on TV, I went to sleep when I wanted to, I listened to my country music and I listened to it loudly…I got to have a little me time. I even took some blog pictures of myself (see above)….I kind of had the single girl life for a couple of days.

I guess the moral of my story is that being alone can seem scary, but I think that every once in a while it is good for you. I had a chance to really think about things and do things that I like, but don’t always do when there are people there. I felt “free as a bird”, if you will. (See how I tied that in there? That whole bird thing? Like the shirt….(PS: I also wore this shirt here in an entirely different way….)

Well, as free as I might have felt, I am still SO glad Wes came home last night. It’s nice to have another person around…Are you the type who always has to be around someone or do you enjoy your alone time?

Until tomorrow…
xox Megan

Linking up with:

Walking In Memphis In Heels

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24 thoughts on “On Being Alone

  1. I can relate–I hate being alone! Even as a teenager, I wasn’t the type who was closed in her room, always wanting her privacy. I’ve always liked having a group of people to be with, even if we all sit quietly in the room, all doing our own thing. It’s nice having the extra bodies in the room 🙂

    But now that I have a toddler, I do tend to appreciate those few minutes where I can be alone, by myself, with my own thoughts, even if those moments are rare!

  2. Yeah I’m so one of those people that lives for being alone haha. Like even my boyfriend knows when to give me my alone time lol. I guess it’s because sometimes it’s just hard to meditate and focus on my inner peace when there’s a lot going on around me. I crave silence, it’s very comforting to me and really allows me to be left alone to become one with myself. (Wow, that sounded very hippie haha). But while I like being alone, I really get why people don’t. It can get boring, and while it’s always fun to meditate it’s really fun to sit and talk and laugh with people too (:

    • Haha….my husband is an only child, so this is something we struggle with a lot. I am used to having someone there at all times and he is used to being by himself. Thankfully he likes me enough to tolerate my needyness…..lol

  3. I can do both. Be alone and be with people. We are all social creatures. Some of us more than others. Working on the road full time, living in a hotel, I spend a lot of time alone. I can occupy myself fairly well. I do miss people though. I like a mixture of both!

  4. I used to hate being alone. To me alone = Lonely. After leaving my entire life behind to move to Texas and get married, now my hubby is gone 2-3 weeks at a time, and I’ve come to love being alone. There are still moments when it sucks… like dealing with the mouse that got into my house last week, but for the most part its calm, its quiet, I follow my own schedule and when my Hubs is here I enjoy every moment so much more!

  5. First of all, love this look! That color is YOUR color. Secondly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE time alone! LOL! Maybe it’s because I have two kiddos that are constantly screaming “MOOOOOOOOM!!!!!” So I take what I can get when I can get it! Glad you found things to do and made it through! 😉

    • Thanks, Shanna! I’m sure once I am a Mom I will want more time alone lol….my Mom tells me that all the time. I actually enjoyed it this weekend though…it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be:)

  6. My husband went on a boys trip recently (with his uncle, dad, and brother) and left me home alone (with two dogs and a cat). Even though I had no reasonable reason to stress, I was only able to sleep when I had the living room lights on and barricaded the front door. I finally felt comfortable the night before he came home, go figure. On a separate note, I love your top and the way it really pops against the white pants. At first I thought your clutch was really your skirt and was going to tell you how much I loved the two colors together! Perfect outfit 🙂

  7. I knew that top was from Francesca’s! I love it! I also love it when there are people around. If I’m alone and it’s night time, all I do is think about all the robbers that have been waiting for this opportunity. Haha- not fun. Def. prefer the husband.

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